It is our wish to have the “Investor Relations” section dedicated to shareholders, financial analysts and potential investors, to facilitate access to information on General Shareholder Meetings, financial statements, and to major events related to company operations.
The company’s shares are traded on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) under the symbol “AMAL” .
The trade prices of the shares can be accessed at the following link:
zzz2. INTERNATIONAL CAVIAR raport audit 2022 - cf. ISA 700.pdf
INTERNATIONAL CAVIAR raport audit 2021 - cf. ISA 700.pdf
INTERNATIONAL CAVIAR raport audit 2020 - cf. ISA 700.pdf
INTERNATIONAL CAVIAR raport audit 2019 - cf. ISA 700.pdf
Raport anual 2021.pdf
Convocator AGOA semnat.pdf
Comunicat de presa 10-2021.jpg
Raport curent desfășurare AGOA 2020.pdf
Bilant 2017 si Raport audit.pdf
Declaratie de guvernata corporatista.pdf
Raportul anual al CA la data de 31.12.2017.pdf
Formular de vot prin corespondenta.docx
Raport de audit 31.12.2017.pdf
Raportul anual al CA la data de 31.12.2017.pdf
Raport_audit_ la_31_12_2016.pdf
Raportul Anual al CA la 31 dec 2016.pdf
procura AGA 26,27.04.2017.DE,MODIF.pdf
Bilant ICC SA 31.12.2016 _1.pdf
CV Consiliu de Administratie .pdf
Note exp,decl pers,rap audit_1.pdf
Raport anual,Declaratie de guv corp 2016 _1.pdf
Regulament intern al SC ICC SA .pdf
Hotararea consiliului privind subscrierile
Bilant la 30.06.2017 scn _1.pdf
Raport sem 30.06.2017 ICC SA_1.pdf
Situatii financiare la 31.12.2017.pdf